Club opening times

During the season there are regular events taking place most days. The normal start times for league and club matches are 10.00am, 2.00pm and 6.30pm but times can vary occasional. 

On Monday and Saturday afternoons the club is open from about 1.30pm till about 4.00pm for club drives (roll-ups). This is an ideal opportunity for new players to play and socialise with more experienced players.

Rinks can be booked for club competitions etc by putting a note in the diary but please take note of the time slots on the notice board.

For all league matches and competitions, please arrive no less than 10 mins before scheduled games start to facilitate collection of the green fees and a prompt start.

Tuesday morning is maintenance time for the green and premises. A good time to drop off any paperwork or just pop in for a visit.

Bradwell Bowling Club Rules

The Club is to be called ‘BRADWELL BOWLING CLUB’ and is registered with HMRC as a Community Amateur Sports Club (CASC).
The Club Rules and Constitution are displayed on the Club noticeboard. Copies are available upon request.


As a self-funding club, it is necessary to fund raise on a regular basis to improve facilities and secure its viability. Members are requested to support the Club in as many activities as possible.

The bar will be under the control of the Designated Premises Supervisor (DPS), presently Barry Hubbard. When not available to serve alcohol, only authorised Committee Members will be permitted to do so.

Smoking, including vaping, is not permitted in the club buildings, under the verandas or on the green.

Objectives of Bradwell Bowling Club

The objective of the club is to provide facilities to foster and promote the sport of flat green bowls at all levels, providing opportunities for both recreation and competition participation.

The club is a self-funding and non-profit making organisation with any surplus income reinvested in the club to improve facilities.

Many members contribute voluntarily with a multitude of tasks. Members are encouraged to donate raffle prizes for special events and friendly matches to keep our operating costs down, resulting in low membership and rink fees for all our members.

Please see a committee member if you would like to contribute in any way.