Social Club

For further information regarding the social evenings contact Steve Webb. Send Email

During the Bowling season

Table Tennis is available on a Thursday evening from 6.00pm to 8.00pm.  

Contact Peter Smith via website for more information.

£1.00 for full-members, £2.00 for social members. 

When winter arrangements are in operation:

Tuesday evening the club is open from 1st October 2024 at 7.00pm for social evenings.

There are cards and darts, and the bar is open or just drop in to socialise.

All members are welcome.

Social member fee £5.00.

There is bingo every Wednesday afternoon from 18th September 2024 at 1.45pm for 2.00pm start. Refreshments at half time.

All members are welcome.

Social member fee £5.00.

Table Tennis is available on Monday and Thursday evenings starting 16th September 2024 from 6.00pm to 8.00pm.

£1.00 for full-members, £2.00 for social members.

Contact Peter Smith via website for more information.